Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Spring Flowers

The winter chill enters my spine
as the sun sets prematurely,
Lit only by the stars hanging high above
lighting  my search
to regain the warmth of spring
hidden solely in your arms.

The hunt for you carries me
under my doubts
above my expectations,
deeper into my soul
yet you remain a mystery
lost in the winter cold.
Like my breath against the cold black
You appeared and vanished.

I now wait for things to thaw,
for the scent of flowers to float in the breeze,
for my heart to thaw
with Your embrace.

2013: a Year to Grow

I promised my friend Alyssa that I would post some new material on my day off from work, which is today, and I am not one to break promises to friends so here goes nothing. 

I sit here, a full week into a new year and I sit and wonder where will I be this time next year. I have a few goals that I want to accomplish by this time next year and I know I can make them a reality if I can find a way to abandon my notorious lazy streak and extreme ADD. I don't really have an extreme case of ADD, but if you were to take a look at my writing portfolio (by which I mean the pile of composition notebooks stacked on the side of my bed)  you would be smacked in the face with, half finished short stories, random lines of poetry that are beautiful yet remain without any other lines to keep them company, beginnings of random screenplays,, doodles upon doodles, scratched out words, maybe a few entries of my Bro-CodeOlogy series that have yet to see the light of day, and full of ideas for other stories scribbled down at three in the morning when I have a crazy dream and realize how wonderful it will be as a story.

That is my ADD. With that said, my first major goal for this year is to finish some of that shit, I owe it to myself to prove I can finish something I start. Along with that I have started a novel; it wont be the next great American novel, it wont be taught by literary scholars, but I think it will be a unique story that will make me proud when I finish it. Now saying I will finish it by the end of this year is asinine, but I do want to see it go from the little I have written and turn into a few chapters. None of this will be posted until the last word is typed in, and the last coma has been check. I want this to be my first complete work. Not like the shoddily edited crap I put up here, I want this to prove to anyone (including myself) that I have the talent to became a successful writer.

to grade my success, people moight look at money and if I havent made much they might not view me as successful. That is not what success is to me. Those who actually know me know money is not what I strive for, though I would lie if I didnt say I wish I had more than I actually do, but as long as I have enough for a roof over my head and food in my stomach I will be a happy man,

So what equates success for me? That's a good question, my main mark of success as a writer is that when people read my work it makes them think, it evokes feeling, it brings out emotion; regardless of what the emotion it is, I just want people to read and feel. If I can have even one person read the words I write and feel I view myself as successful.

 Sometimes it takes just the emotions of one person to change the world.

Though I doubt my words will bring out enough emotion in a person to change the world anything is possible, and words have been known to do the impossible in the past.

That is what I expect to accomplish this upcoming year as far as my writing, but my life is not just writing. My main goal outside of writing is to get myself moved out again, and have a place of my own (or with friends, just not living at home anymore).

This has turned into a ramble fest and I shall not continue. Just expect more of Daniel Perrucci this year. 2013 will be a year where I will continue to mature and grow as a person. Good luck to everyone of my friends this year, may we all have a successful one.