Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Haiku Volume 11

Good morning folk, or good afternoon I guess that would depend on when you are reading this. Well Happy day to you whatever time it is  I hope it will/has been a great one for you. I know as I type this I have a wonderful day of working looming over me like Donald Trumps giant wall. Its a big wall, a wall so big, he knows walls OK. No one knows walls like the Donald, and who is going to pay for that wall??? No one, because it is a fucking ludicrous idea that makes zero sense especially when we as a nation of a debt in the fucking Trillions. This whole election, from both sides, is the most ridiculous thing I have ever witnessed, but this is for a day closer to election day.

Anyway moving on.

I also want to take a moment here to congratulate one of my best friends Christina on her engagement! I am super excited and happy for you. I cannot wait to celebrate your engagement by getting white girl wasted, which is what I plan on doing at your wedding, though with far more dancing! I would post a picture of us, but if I posted one without her approval she would stab me in the eye socket especially because she would hate the chose so instead here is a GIF of how excited I am:
Now while I finish part 4 of A Western End (it is in the editing stage now), start another edition of my movies post, and create a new series about Hip Hop lyricists, I bring to you another volume of Haiku (I am compiling these and other Haiku together to create a book called Hey Look Its Haiku and Some Essays About Life, by Dan Perrucci! (Yeah the title is a haiku and yeah I am awesome. Thanks for thinking so as well!)
Steel flies through the cold:
a country torn apart by
a forgotten war.

Explosions downtown,
but the world doesn't care when
the victims are brown.

Innocent police
killed in the line of duty
Human lives matter.

Police gunfire bangs
innocent citizens killed:
Human lives matter.

Flowers start to bloom
shedding winter from their soul.
Sprung from death to life.

The lights slowly dim
until darkness: my thoughts creep
leaving me restless.

Red beating muscle
pumping life;slowly breaking
now unmendable.

Wind gushes through trees
swaying the branches gently
as green buds awake.

My alarm clock blares
as the morning sun creeps in
I refuse to wake.

The sun's still asleep
as a loud meow echos:

“Feed me NOW human!”

The Other Editions

Volume 1