Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Untitled Poem 5/10/17

How can we be so close,
yet eons apart?

Born for one another
only to die alone.

My still heart awaits
the blood to pump again
as it shrivels to nothing—
a raisin in the sun:


An end that was foretold,
yet nothing was done to change it:
a destiny never collided.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Untitled 5/8/2017

A Mirror hung on a gold gilded wall;
a reflection of a different future
where family portraits line a  hall.
A future where snow gently falls
untouched by man, woman, or animal.
A field tucked in for the night beneath the powder
dotted with oranged oaks.
A reflection of your beauty:


A reflection where blue eyes show pain
beyond a perfect field:

a pain that the reflection is a falsehood.

Halls dotted with empty frames
where Intricate cobwebs live;
as the gold vanishes to dust
swept in the cold winter wind
amongst the dying trees.

The mirror cracks;
shattering to the floor
of a gutted home

A future abandoned.

Thanks for reading, and remember you can get more of my poems by purchasing my book on amazon: