Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I was recently inspired to attempt writing Haiku. This inspiration came from my extremely talented friend Alyssa, (you can click on her blog and enjoy someone far more talented than the person you are reading now), and my favorite writer Richard Wright. Today is haikuesday, apparently, so enjoy my first ever attempts at these little Japanese poems.


Red leaves fall to earth.
Raked into piles, bagged, and dumped:
Beauty Forgotten.


Knowledge lines the shelves
untouched, unread—dust covered.
God damn you Google!


Lights flash in the night.
Stumbling in the darkness,
Steel bars end my day.


The ball once bounced high,
but the ball bounces no more;
Deflated by greed.


The fox trots away
hiding deep in the high grass.
Fox, come out to play!


The cute grey kitten
bounds and bounces on the bed
Stop I'm sleeping!!

Bowel Trouble

Grey cat eats a shoe
laces, tongue, sole: ate it all.
Grey cat can't poo.

Grey Gas

That grey cat farted!
Said it wasn't from her behind;
she tried to blame me.


  1. i absolutely LOVE these! great job! the last two made me laugh out loud... but i *especially* liked the first two. yay haikuesday!

  2. Thanks both of you guys! Maybe I'll have some more for next Haikuesday!
