Thursday, November 17, 2011

Open Letter to Politicians

This is a poem in a form called a sestina I tried my best so enjoy!!

You never listen to our voice.
You stick to your agenda regardless
of how we think or how we feel.
We want justice. We want to know.
We want our voices heard
from sea to shining sea.

We are caught in the middle, don’t you see?
You do, but you mute our voice
so you can say what we said wasn’t heard.
No matter what you ignore us, regardless
of what we say. If we say yes, you say no.
You get your way, but never ask how we feel.

We feel betrayed, lied to cheated, we feel
you are all Crooked with a capital C.
You tell us what you want us to know,
over powering our thoughts with your voice.
We claim to want change, but regardless
we just remain a sheep; part of the herd.

But I won’t be a sheep, I want to be heard!
I want you to know my anger: how I feel.
You can try to silence me, but regardless
you will hear me. From sea to shining sea,
you will read my words and hear my voice.
When I’m done my name you will know.

When you say yes, I will scream NO!
You say sit, I will stand up and be heard
You say shut up I will raise my voice.
My words will make you feel
my frustration, and make you see
that I will not go away regardless

of how much you want me to. Regardless
of how tired I am. I need to know
that the injustice which I see.
can be changed by the herd.
You will know my pain and how I feel.
You will know my fucking voice.

Ah, yes you will know my voice
regardless of how that makes you feel.
From sea to shining sea, I will be heard.


  1. "We feel betrayed, lied to cheated, we feel" <-- should have a comma after lied to. and "we just remain a sheep" <-- should take out the "a" since it's plural,
    otherwise terrific attempt at a sestina! they're really hard to do! Towards the end it does feel a little like you were just reaching to fit the form, though, but I like the idea. Maybe you should try rewriting this poem but more freely, without following the sestina style perfectly? No one says you have to follow any forms when you write poetry.. :)

  2. I have been sitting on the for two weeks, and I dislike it more and more, I think you are right that I was reaching. Maybe ill rework it and see what happens.

    And its not to the 1% lol, I actually can not stand the occupied people. It's more of a letter to Washington about actual issues, I.e. gay marriage, or troops and things
