Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Thanksgiving is approaching faster than Usain Bolt and I couldn’t be more excited!

This late fall holiday marks my favorite holiday, not because it’s a celebration of a joint feast between the pilgrims and people who they soon killed off, forcing the survivors to live on “reservations”, or third world countries within our own boarders. . . that’s a different story. Mass genocide of native people aside, this is my favorite holiday because it brings together my family; the most important people in my life. The only ones who I know will be there for me regardless of what stupid shit I do.  

People use Thanksgiving to tell what they are thankful for; so I am going to use this post to do just that.

First off, obviously, I am thankful for my family. I love them; they have been with me throughout the ups and downs. When I was at my lowest they (plus Yesabel who is like a family member) were there for me. I was facing an existence which I may not have survived; I could have spent years of my life trapped in a box. I fought through that and became a better person, they never once shunned me or judged me. They supported me, though I did get the occasional ripping which is expected for my siblings. For that I love them, because without them I could have let the situation consume my every day, but I kept my head up, and for that I am thankful.

I am thankful for my friends. I only have maybe 5 true friends outside of my family, and you know who you are. You are awesome. You support my writing when I doubt myself. You keep me going. You keep me confident.  On a sad note, I recently stopped talking to my best friend. Shit is odd; we had been friends since 6th grade. We stopped talking because his girlfriend is a selfish, dim-witted, unintelligent, unattractive and unappreciative individual and I told her so.  I spoke what everyone thinks about her and what he doesn’t see, and he took her side, I’m not mad, but I think he is blind. But for those who I still have, I hope our friendships keep growing and become stronger. If not, oh well, I always say that I could never be lonely when I have myself and that holds true. That does not make me any less thankful for you guys. I love you guys.  You help me continue to grow and change as a person and I look forward to continuing to grow with you.
I am thankful for my talent. I write: that’s what I do. Am I great? No, not even close. I will never be famous because of my words; I just don’t have that much talent. But what I have is a creative drive, and I am thankful for that. I want to be the best writer I can be, I want to read my own words and be proud that they came from my mind. I have a few people to thank for this talent: first my parents for boning and giving birth to me. Next, Professor Mary Thompson who helped me discover my passion again. I wish I could show her how much she actually helped me, I think it is because of her I decided to become an English major, she put the pen back in my hand after my shit brick of a English teacher, Garrett Boatman, all but destroyed my love for words. A BIG FUCK YOU TO GARRETT BOATMAN: I hope you have been fired so you can no longer kill people’s dreams.  Also Yesabel, you have been my most supportive fan and critic. You helped me focus and create, you rock. You support me when I hate my writing. I am thankful for all the other writers I have met during my time at MSU who keep me wanting to reach a new level; you guys keep me motivated by just writing. Keep going! I know we will all do something great with our words!  One last thanks on this subject goes to Professor Dale Burg. You are crazy, but you believe in me and you try to knock proper grammar rules in my head, I am slowly getting it. You could have given up, but you have recognized my talent and want me to be great. 

I am thankful for a lot of things, but these are the main ones.  I wish I could repay all of the people above with something outside of saying thanks, but that’s all I can do. I just hope this is enough to show how much I appreciate you all.

1 comment:

  1. I have so much respect for you, Dan. It takes a big person to be able to be grateful for even those who have hurt you the most. Your ability to forgive is inspiring and for that, I'm thankful to have you as one of my closest friends. :)
