Thursday, May 28, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Let's Play Together

Normally when I do one of these Throwback Thursday posts it is full of happiness, a touch of sentiment, and a lot of reminiscing, but today I am filled with rage . . . added to all the other things mentioned above.
What has me so riled up? Video games.

I have never been a huge video gamer, but back in the day there was nothing better than coming home from school and beating my brother at NHL 96 for the Sega Genesis while he beat me at nearly every other game, or going over to my buddy Mike’s house and four of us plugging into the N64 and playing some Golden Eye.  When we got older the systems changed to the Play Station and the Game Cube where we all sat in a room together eating Domino's talking while our thumbs clicked the buttons.

Five or six of us would pile into my little room and my parents house, pop Super Smash Brothers into that wonderful purple cube and we would brawl for hours on end usually I wasn’t the victor, but my character was the greatest of all time and I was surrounded by friends having real life conversation, so it didn't matter that I killed myself more than my enemies.

Even today I’ll have people over (usually just my brother) and sit next to them why we tackle some video game together drinking beers and being blown away by random math theories coming from my brother’s mouth. Like this guy Zeno who blew my mind with his thought . . . he was a philosopher and math people basically told him he was wrong and to go fuck himself and they came up with some crazy shit where you multiply a letter to some numbers and it does some black magic  voodoo and proves Zeno wrong.  I mean go read about Zeno’s paradox right here on the always reliable Wikipedia. Shit is confusing and hurts my head. I know words, I don’t want to think about math and how it actually has relevance to life I’ll leave that to Andrew.

Now like usual I have to transition back to my topic because I went on some unrelated tangent.

Hold on one second; let me look back . . . ah, video games that’s right.

As you may have noted at the beginning I said I was full of rage. That may not have shown just but now I will tell you why I am full of anger. I touched on it here and some of those are still reasons, I really still can’t see my gosh darn forehead for Christ’s sake.

But, that has nothing to do with this post so I digress.

I am angry today in a way related to this post and I will now get to this.

Back in the day playing a multi player video game required to you to have actual friends sitting in the room with you, but now these bastards at the video games companies put everything online to make them more money. Well fuck them.

I get playing online, you play tougher competition and it may be fun, but I am an old school type of fellow and I want to play a co-op campaign with some sitting next to me drinking beers and shooting the shit like real fucking people.  Why do they make these new games one player with multi player only online? It is dumb and makes me want to just . . . it makes me want to . . . 

Ok, maybe not that extreme, but it sure does make me angry. I refuse to buy new systems because I can’t play some cool shooter game with friends unless I pay for some online service and play with them over the interwebs. I should start a petition to have them make a remake of Golden Eye with only offline multiplayer: someone go do that for me. Also, include that the game when bought should come with a Domino's gift certificate. I would buy a PS4 or Xbox One if that was the case.

Why can’t we be social in our lame video gaming playing? If anyone out there reading this wants to play video games with me call me and come over and we can take down warlocks or whatever the fuck you fight in Golden Axe.

Now I will calm down and get to the next section of my Throwback Thursday post which should get you dancing.

The following is a small list of some of the games I loved and still love and play enjoy and come over and play some time.

NHL 96

This is my favorite game ever and I will challenge any one. Bring it the fuck on bitches. It is in my basement ready to go. Let's grab beers randomize the teams and have a tournament. I also have very fond memories of my Uncle Tommy always bringing this game down when he visited and we would play endlessly. 

Tecmo Super Bowl

The greatest football video game ever, you all can keep your Madden and I’ll just run all over you with the unstoppable Bo Jackson. I actually had a tournament of this game last year and I should have another one so my buddy Nick can defend his title.

Super Mario Bros. 1 & 3

I was always Luigi and Andrew was always Mario. I died a lot and he carried us to victory, but still I love these two NES greats (more Mario to come)

Mortal Kombat 2

A Button mashing game at its finest. I would just nut punch my opponents with Johnny Cage then hit them with the friendship because I didn’t (and still don't) know any of the Fatality moves. 

Super Smash Brothers Melee.

I mentioned it above. I am not very good, but if I hit you with that number 9 with Mr. Game and Watch after an assault of sausage I will send you flying into the abyss.  

Super Mario World

Once again I was always Luigi and either Andrew or Yesabel was Mario, once again I died a lot and they carried the team. Yesabel was freakishly good at this game, I wonder if she still has it? I should get it for her and her fiancĂ© Nick for a wedding present.  *strokes beard*

Mario Kart 64

Another game involving that Italian plumber from Japan, but you cannot deny the endless fun involved and now since we are grownups we can play Beerio Kart!!!

NBA Hang Time

Made by the same folks as NBA Jam so it had all of the excitement and great sayings as that game but it was paired with the bonus of creating a character with a basketball as a head, so it was always my preferred game. And still reigns as my favorite NBA  video game.

Golden Eye

I was never good at this game and I still suck but it is super fun when you have four guys in a room yelling at each other as they pump each other full of bullets.

Streets of Rage 

This game came on the same cartridge as 5 other games, how fantastic is that? Six awesome games for the price of one! They would never do that shit now. Minus the fact I always use my special early in a level because I have big thumbs I am actually pretty good at this game . . . still not as good as Andrew, so he usually carried the team once again.

Sonic 2

The best Sonic game (and when you stuck this cartridge into the sonic and Knuckles game you can play through Sonic 2 as Knuckles and discover secret shit, god Sega was the greatest), I don’t know if I ever actually defeated Dr. Robotinic in the final level, I should go downstairs and try. I am sure Andrew beat hi, fucking asshole.

That is enough of a list for now, but trust me there are so many more great games like Boogerman, Aladdin, Lion King, Beavis and Butt Head, GTA San Andreas, Ninja Turtles, Borderlands, the original Medal of Honor, and the aforementioned Golden Axe. I would be here all day listing games so I won’t do that. Maybe I’ll have another post in the future with more games, but for now I shall spare you.

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